Real-Time Expense Tracking in Sales Force Automation

Knowing the potential expenditure of your field force can keep you a step ahead in planning for these expenses. In our sales force automation software, you can predefine expenses for certain activities.
For eg., If your sales rep is going from Bangalore to Mysore. You can predefine the cost of travel and stay for this location. That way, you don't have to manually keep a check of these costs.
SFA360 has an advanced Geo Tagging/Geo Fencing feature in it. This expense tracking will benefit the organization in keeping a real time expense report for the field force.
- Accuracy of the costs.
- Automation in capturing expenses, reducing manual work.
- Better budget management for the organization.
- You can categorize the expenses.
Real-time expense planning helps in better financial planning for the organization. Accurate cost analysis is an integral part of maintaining any company’s financial health. Our sales force automation software can do this for you.